Tuesday, May 31

Mental Maths Test 2


Here is the test I promised today. I hope you can understand it all as my nose is still blocked up. In English we do not say that our nose is constipated. Constipated in English is when you cannot go to the toilet so please be careful with this "false friend".
In question 2, the word is HALVE (I found it difficult to breathe when saying it).

Good luck with your mental maths revision!
See you tomorrow!


  1. Miss sam for when is the mental math ????????????

  2. Great work Miss Sam even though you had a blocked up nose. Hope to hear the rest of the staff using AudioBoo too.

  3. Thank you very much Mr McLauglin.
    I hope life is treating you both well.
    Please let us know of new ICT things we may not have seen.
