Tuesday, November 30

Christmas Card Competition!


Christmas card entries are due in on Friday please!!!


Miss Sam

Monday, November 29

Boudicca lyrics!

There are a few mistakes in this but I think we may have to sing it on Friday. I tried to edit the video but there are too many gaps.

Please practise the song!!!

Friday, November 26

Well done Pablo J!

Congratulations to Pablo J for being our Star of the Week for his excellent attitude and teamwork in our football lesson this week!

Secret Santa!

Secret Santa books are due in on Monday 13th December at the latest please.

Remember to:
1) Make the wrapping paper yourself.
2) Add a label which has to be opened to see the person's name (so it will be a surprise).
3) Get an English book but please do not spend a lot of money. Places like Idiomatika or Canary Books have a lot of books.

Assembly item on Monday please!

As you all know it is our assembly next Friday.
You know your homework is:
1) To learn your lines perfectly.
2) To practise readly them LOUDLY, CLEARLY and SLOWLY!
3) To bring in the item I have asked you to make on MONDAY please so we can check we can see it in the theatre.

Carlos P will be artisitc director on Monday and will be assisting me with preparation!

Monday, November 22

Vegueta Trip


Well done today for your excellent effort on the trip: I was very proud of you.
Here are a few photos and the map we were using. Maybe you'd like to do it another time with your family to practise using a map. I cannot take the credit for the map - it was produced by the Las Palmas Tourist Office.

Thank you so much to the following parents for all your support today:
Pablo S' mum, Lucia P's mum, Emilio's mum, Maria's mum and Carlos R's dad.

I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope your legs aren't aching as much as mine are tonight!

Tessellations on the school website!

If you click on the link, you will be directed to the school website where there are photos of our tessellation display and an explanation in Spanish for your parents to read: well done all!

Remember to say a big thank you to Luis, Emilio and Shivani on Wednesday!

Sunday, November 21

More creating tessellations

Here are some more photos of our successful Wednesday afternoon!

Creating our tessellations!

Many thanks again to our brilliant helpers: Shivani, Emilio and Luis for all their help with this. They were so busy on Wednesday afternoon but they really helped us to do our best work.
Here are some photos of what has been achieved so far. Don't worry, we still have a few weeks to finish!

Christmas comprehension

I was so impressed with how you all behaved during our comprehension lesson last week.
Here are some photos. Sorry if I didn't manage to get one of you: I will attempt to next time! Well done for skimming and scanning for the answers quickly and quietly!
I am really enjoying our reading comprehension lessons now - I hope you are too.

Your Cubist Sculptures Gallery!

Saturday, November 20

Maths next week!

Remember that we will be doing maths tests next week so make sure you bring your calculator!

Well done to Daniela!

Well done to Daniela for being our Star of the Week!
Not only has she produced fabulous work in literacy and maths this week but she also produced an amazing tessellation!

Well done!!

Trip to Vegueta on Monday!


Thank you to all the parents who have offered to come on the trip. some of you will leave from school and others will meet us down there.

We leave school at about 9:00 and return at about 12:15.

We will do lots of run activities (rain permitting!) and we will learn a lot about MAPS which is our new topic for geography.

Please remember to bring:
* An anorak or umbrella
* Your pencil case (including colours, gluestick, ruler and pencil)
* Your snack and some water
* A notebook to take notes

Wear your PE kit please!!
See you on Monday - please do not be late for school as I need to explain some things before we go!!

Wednesday, November 17

Monday, November 15

Connectives game


Play PREFIX match!

Here is the prefix match game we played in class today.
See how fast you can match the meanings.
For example, BI means TWO.

Sunday, November 14

Brilliant tessellations made by children!

These are amazing! I know yours will be just as brilliant!!

Amazing modern tessellations!

How to Tessellate

Christmas Wrapping Paper!

As you know we will be making our own wrapping paper for Christmas - how exciting!!
Here are some tessellated images to get you thinking...
This week in maths we are revising number bonds to 100.
To play some games to revise this (like mental maths), click here.

We will also be looking at finding the difference by counting on. For example, 542 - 392.
To do this we count from 392 to the nearest ten (400) which is 8. Then, we count to 542 which is 142. Finally, we add 142 and 8. The answer is 150. So, 542 - 392 = 150.

Finally, this is a great website for testing your number bonds. It even has a game for decimals that total 1 or 10 for thos of you who fancy a challenge! Have a go! Please let me know if the link doesn't work.


Stars of the Week: Paula and Marta!

Well done to both Marta and Paula for being our Stars of the Week!

Marta: You had the most original ideas for what Baboushka would say in her diary.
Paula: Your work in both literacy and numeracy this week was amazing!

Tessellation Town!

This week we are going to "visit" Tessellation Town in our ICT lesson.
Have a look before if you'd like to explore some tessellations!

Monday, November 8

Symmetry and tessellation.

If you would like to revise anything we have done today (as there was so much!!), click on the websites below.

Good luck!

The Symmetrizer!

Symmetry game

Reflective symmetry


More tessellations!

2D and 3D shapes

Tessellation website

Design a tessellation!

As you know we are now studying the work of graphic artist Escher in class. At the end of the topic you will produce your own tessellating Christmas wrapping paper. Here is an example of one of Escher's tessellations. We will be using this post tomorrow in our ICT lesson. See you then!

Maths and Art!


Well I hope you learned a lot today about symmetry, reflections, tessellations and tiling patterns in our maths and art lessons.

I look forward to seeing your symmetrical hearts or your finished symmetrical pictures tomorrow.

Please remember that you need to do a tessellation/tiling pattern for next Monday. I would like it on paper so that I can display your wonderful work but you can choose if you would like to colour it or you coloured paper.

Also, you need to make your 3D present for our Baboushka display for next Monday!

For those of you who enjoyed making shapes out of paper today, here are some sheets to help you. I need to say thank you to the wonderful people at the University of Leeds Textiles Department for making them.

See you tomorrow for some work on 3D shapes and nets!

Saturday, November 6

Happy Bonfire Night and Happy Diwali!

Yesterday all over England people celebrated Bonfire Night and Diwali so I thought I´d wish you Happy Bonfire Night and Happy Diwali!

Friday, November 5

Maths next week: Symmetry and 3D shapes

Next week we are doing SYMMETRY and 3D SHAPES in maths. Here are some websites to help you practise:

Woodlands Junior Symmetry Games

Woodlands Junior Shape Games

Enjoy your weekend!

Well done Ana!

Well done to Ana for being our Star of the Week for her amazing attitude and work this week.

Wednesday, November 3


For the next three weeks in literacy we will be doing work on the Russian tale called Baboushka. At the end of the three weeks you will write the story from the point of view of one of the other characters.

If you wish to read the story of Baboushka, click here.

Can you see any similarities between your Three Kings' story and Baboushka?

If you would like to dress up your own Baboushka, click here.