Tuesday, March 15

Maths revision: test next week!


Each day I will give you some advice on revision for our tests next week.
This will be the same as the work we are doing in class (and have done this academic year) so there will be no surprises!

1) Practise adding and subtracting correctly! e.g 3494 + 578 627 - 458
2) Practise writing in missing numbers:
218396 _________ 218456 _________ 218831
3) a)Write five numbers in order, largest first.
b)Write five numbers in order, smallest first.
You could use these numbers: 573085 629138 57940 500358 429349
or you could use decimal numbers: 4.6 4.63 4.06 4.1 4.69

Good luck!

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