Sunday, January 16

Maths Week 2:

This week we have four main objectives:
1. Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 100.
e.g. 937
937 to the nearest 10 is 940.
Here is a little rhyme to remember which 10 you need to round to:
1, 2, 3, 4Round DOWN to the ten before.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9Round UP to the next ten on the number line.
937 to the nearest 100 is 900.
(50+ ROUND UP) (49 or smaller ROUND DOWN)
937 to the nearest 1000 is 1000.
(500+ ROUND UP) (499 or smaller ROUND DOWN)

2. Converting fractions to decimals (tenths and hundredths)
e.g. 19/100 = 0.19

3. Understanding what a number is made up of:
e.g. 53 is made up of 5 TENS (50) and 3 UNITS (3)
8.7 is made up of 8 UNITS (8) and 7 TENTHS (0.7)
2.36 is made up of 2 UNITS (2), 3 TENTHS (0.3) and 6 HUNDREDTHS (0.06)

4. Ordering decimals on a number line:
e.g. Put the following decimals in order from smallest to biggest (like on a number line):
0.3 0.33 3 0.13
0.13 0.3 0.33 3 This is the correct answer

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