Saturday, January 29

Writing Website

Sorry! The link didn´t work.
Go to the Jenny Eather writing website.

Brilliant writing website!

I found this on the internet and I think it´s brilliant!
Go to the Jenny Eather writing website and click on EXPLANATION. It shows you how to write an explanation text!

Talk topic: TALK TOPIC. Invent an object for a pirate and explain how it works

This is called the Shirt Machine by Jon Davis.

Firstly, I would like you to invent a machine or an object for Blackbeard.
Then, I would like you to explain how your invented machine or object works.
You will write the EXPLANATION next Friday.

The Grid Method

This is how we will be multiplying on Monday. Have a go at home before if you have the chance!

The Grid Method for multiplication

This is a video made by a teacher in England to explain the grid method.
I think it is very good but please remember two things:
1. Use a ruler.
2. Be careful with PLACE VALUE (keep units under units when you are adding the answer.

Also, 50p x 10 is 500p. We can also write 500p as 5 pounds.

Friday, January 28

Next week in numeracy: doubling and halving

Next week, we will be doubling and halving.
See if you can beat the doubling machine! If you are feeling brave, try a decimal number.

The next website shows the number partitioned and then you guess the double.

Burger Bar
helps you to work out the cost of your meal whilst also practising doubling and halving.

Wednesday, January 26

This Friday´s Writing Task

This Friday you will be writing a description of Blackbeard for the build up of your pirate legend. You have been working on adjectives and past tense for a few weeks and I want you to show me just how much you have improved!

Success criteria:
* Past tense verbs (you may choose to use pirate verbs)
* It makes sense
* Correct punctuation
* Adjectives
You may also use ADVERBS (He moved SLOWLY).

Think about:
1. What Blackbeard looked like. For example: He had a long, black beard.
2. How to describe his clothes. For example: He was wearing torn, dark trousers.
3. How he would move. For example: He trudged angrily along the beach.

Tuesday, January 25

Multiple games

This game is great: Shoot the Fruit!!
You can practise MULTIPLES.

Play Mrs. Potato Head MULTIPLES!

Jeopardy game using factors and multiples

Online help for multiplying and dividing

Use BBC Skillswise if you are not sure how to multiply or divide by 10 or 100.
It might help! There are worksheets you can look at and a quiz to do at the end.
Good luck!

This week´s maths!

This week we are doing the following in our maths lessons:
1. Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000
2. Dividing by 10, 100, 1000
It is important that you do NOT just "add a zero" or "take away a zero" when multplying or dividing by 10 and 100 because this strategy does NOT work with decimal numbers. When you multiply numbers by 10, you are making them 10 times bigger. When you are dividing by 10, you are making numbers 10 times smaller.
Example: 25 divided by 10 is 2.5

We will also be doing work on MULTPLES and common multiples this week.

As I was off ill yesterday I have asked the class to give in last week´s literacy homework (adjectives) next Monday with this week´s homework (verbs and comprehension).

Here is a website to practise multiplying and dividing.

Thursday, January 20

The Treasure of Lost Island (A descriptive opening)

Here is an example of a descriptive opening for a legend about Blackbeard.
I found it on a website for children and I have recorded it to show you an example of the oral storytelling we will be doing next week. I will upload your stories on here but we will not add text to yours.

Sorry about my voice: I seem to have a very sore throat tonight. I hope those of you in the class who are ill are feeling a bit better.

Wednesday, January 19

Finish these pirate similes.

Please finish these similes. The best ones will have a smelly sticker or a balloon point (it's your choice).

The parrot was as green as...
The ship was as dirty as...
The sailor looked as scared as...
Blackbeard's coat was as red as...
His eyes were as dark as...

Good luck!

Sunday, January 16

Pirate Songs!

This is a good example of a spoken pirate story.
I would like you to make up a story like this next week (but not so long!!) so this week we will be doing a lot of drama to practise!!!

Here is the song we are doing with our buddies so you can practise it!

This week's literacy

We have been doing a lot of work on NOUNS. Go to this website and name nouns. You could also play a game in the playground where your friend has 5 seconds to name 5 yellow things for example.

This week we are going to study adjectives so go to this website.

Read this pirate story online. How could we improve it?

Have a go at writing your own pirate story!(The website will help you).

This is a lovely story poem about a pirate. We will be writing our own rhyming story poems at the end of the term. For now, we will be writing normal stories (no rhyming please!). Watch the video for this book!

Have a look and read some pirate stories written by other children. Could you add any adjectives to them (or even similes/metaphors) to make them even better?

Do some pirate activities (make a flag etc).

A great pirate website from National Geographic.

Brilliant pirate song and story (narrative poem) which is fantastic for teaching you pirate vocabulary.

Funny pirate song.


Here is a good game to practise rounding.
Estimating and rounding game.

More maths help...

More games to help...

BBC Place Value Game.

Go to Maths Zone as always, click on KS1/KS2. Then, on the left click on Count and understand and there are lots of games for practising rounding and decimals.

Place Value and Decimal Games

Go to the Woodlands Junior website to play on the place value games.

Fractions to decimals explanation.

BBC decimal help.

BBC decimal quiz.


Play Place Value Pirates to Practise...

Play Place Value Pirates!

Maths Week 2:

This week we have four main objectives:
1. Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 100.
e.g. 937
937 to the nearest 10 is 940.
Here is a little rhyme to remember which 10 you need to round to:
1, 2, 3, 4Round DOWN to the ten before.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9Round UP to the next ten on the number line.
937 to the nearest 100 is 900.
(50+ ROUND UP) (49 or smaller ROUND DOWN)
937 to the nearest 1000 is 1000.
(500+ ROUND UP) (499 or smaller ROUND DOWN)

2. Converting fractions to decimals (tenths and hundredths)
e.g. 19/100 = 0.19

3. Understanding what a number is made up of:
e.g. 53 is made up of 5 TENS (50) and 3 UNITS (3)
8.7 is made up of 8 UNITS (8) and 7 TENTHS (0.7)
2.36 is made up of 2 UNITS (2), 3 TENTHS (0.3) and 6 HUNDREDTHS (0.06)

4. Ordering decimals on a number line:
e.g. Put the following decimals in order from smallest to biggest (like on a number line):
0.3 0.33 3 0.13
0.13 0.3 0.33 3 This is the correct answer

Thursday, January 13

Music to help us concentrate!

We will have this on tomorrow while we write.

Santa's Holiday!

Tomorrow we will do our first FUN FRIDAY writing!

As you know, the theme is a recount. You will be Santa and you will describe what you did during the holiday so remember to talk to your family and friends about it tonight!

Things to think about:

1. Invent something fun/exciting that Santa did. He might have had a massive adventure or he may have fallen in love with a stunningly attractive elf!

2. Christmas vocabulary.

3. Think of one main idea for each paragraph that you are going to write.

Remember that we are allowed to steal each other's ideas and vocabulary on FUN FRIDAY! I can't wait to steal all of your best ideas!!!

See you tomorrow; remember your special pen!

Miss Sam

Monday, January 10

PE has moved to Tuesdays!!

Please remember to wear your PE kit to school tomorrow and then you will change into your school uniform afterwards.

We will do PE every TUESDAY at 8:30 from now on.

Our sports for this term are hockey and rounders.

Spellings for next Monday: adjectives with "ful"

Here are our spellings for next Monday:
1. use
2. useful
3. dread
4. dreadful
5. care
6. careful
7. cheer
8. cheerful
9. skill
10. skilful
11. colour
12. colourful
13. beauty
14. beautiful
15. plenty
16. plentiful

Tuesday, January 4

Science this term: Gases Around Us and Changing State

This term we will be studying two science topics:

1. Gases Around Us
2. Changing State

If you would like to look at a few activities before beginning the topic, click on SCIENCE and go to the websites on days 9, 10 and 11.

Remember that we have our science test on healthy eating on the first day back!

Maths Week 1: Coordinates and properties of 2D shapes


Next week in our maths lessons we will be looking at:

1. Reading and plotting coordinates.
2. Rehearsing names and properties of 2D shapes.

If you would like to revise, click on Maths Zone, go to KS1/KS2. Once you have done that, go to the heading on the left that says SHAPE and put the mouse on the word SHAPE. You will then see lots of resources to help you to revise.

Good luck!

Miss Sam

Sunday, January 2

Canarian Stick People!

Using Lowry as our inspiration, we will create our own landscapes at the end of the topic but with a Canarian flavour. Instead of the industrial dark skies of northern England, we will paint the wonderful blue skies we are so used to here in Gran Canaria! We could also substitute Lowry's English stick people for people dressed in traditional Canarian costume like in these photos...

A Tribute to L.S.Lowry

Welcome 2011!


I hope you all had a lovely Christmas (if you celebrate the 25th in your household) and a fab New Year's Eve!

When we go back to school we will start work on Perspective and Landscapes in our art lessons. We will be looking at the work of an English artist called L.S.Lowry so I am going to add some videos and images as an example.

See you soon!

Miss Sam